So you set your mind on specific TVs but wondering which is the best size to worth your budget. Between the 55 inch and the 65 inch TVs, though the size may not seem like much of a difference apart from the cost; but if you want to get the most out of your new TV and your entertainment area, there are a few things to consider.
Determining Factors in Choosing a 55 or 65 Inch TV
• Room size
• Supporting furniture
• Audience size
• Your budget
Choosing the Right TV Size for You
First and foremost, the supporting limit of your TV stand or wall mount structure will determine the maximum TV size it can support. If you plan to set the TV on a table or cabinet, you should have at least 8 inches of margin space to support the screen. If you have pets, you may want to consider an enclosed cabinet to prevent Mr. Cat from getting behind the screen and knocking it over. If you’re considering investing in more substantial furniture to support a larger TV, then your budgetary concerns become more relevant.

Once you start to have four or more people watching the same TV at the same time, the more the size becomes an issue. Unless you have tiered theater seating, your TV will need to be bigger once you have five or more people watching. If you’re a sports fan and like to throw Super Bowl parties- this could be a major factor for you.
Finally, your budget is going to be a major factor in determining which TV size you buy. TVs go up in price dramatically as they increase in size. So, the difference in price could be significant.
Viewing Space & Distance Considerations
Not many people realize that there is an optimal viewing distance for every screen size. Larger TVs may also have a more powerful audio system, which means they can be farther away without straining the volume tolerance of the speakers.
You also don’t want to be so close that you have to move your head to track objects moving on the screen. A rule of thumb you might keep in mind is, if you’re close enough to easily make out the pixels, you’re too close.

Once you have arranged your room for the seating arrangement you want, measure the distance from the seating area to where your TV stand/wall mount will be. For a 55” TV, the optimal distance is about 7.5ft while the 65” TV’s is around 9 ft. The difference between the two is not big, but still, if you’re living in a metro area with limited room spacing, it can be critical.
Finally, depending on the furniture you intend to use, the size of the TV you choose could impact your ability to maintain good posture while viewing. If you find yourself craning your neck or tilting your head back too far, you are risking a painful neck ache. This is what we refer to as the optimum eye level. Your eye level is calculated by your sitting height on the sofa where you’ll be watching the TV.
Typically a 55” TV should be mounted around 61 inches measuring from the floor to TV middle point, while a 65” TV eye-level distance should be around 65 inches. This is why if your vertical space is limited or depend on your TV stand/sofa/your height… a 55” TV might seem to be a better choice than a 65” TV or vice versa.
Taking in all the above consideration to make the right choice, and you’ll be sure to get the most value out of your new television set.
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